Tag Archives: Anna Please

ArmsUp News

Happy Day Before Remembrance Day, here is what we’ve been up to:
  1. Ef’s studio opening was a great success.  Voyno and myself attended the evening dressed in the height of fashion.  Who else was there? T.V. was there and I enjoy being in the spotlight, who doesn’t?  Especially rock stars.
  2. Heavy was away this weekend enjoying a much needed vacation.  The only problem is, that without that guy round we were a bit low on the jamming moral.
  3. The Vampire demo is done and sent to the studio.  It went through 6 or 7 versions but we’re happy with what we’ve got now.  It is soon to be recorded at Ef’s studio, Starlab, as mentioned above, and then soon to be heard by you.
  4. Speaking of recordings that we’ve worked on for a long time, Anna Please is now up on Myspace…I hope: Give it a listen online. Too many perfectionists.
  5. I spent much of the weekend practicing trumpet for Remembrance day ceremonies.  There are only 5 notes to play but when your on your oddy-knocky up there playing a serious piece of music you can’t be making mistakes.  Especially on the last post.  Wish me luck.
SnowDove, ArmsUp

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Arms Up @ Starlab Recording

Yo Friends just an update on whats going on in November for Arms Up.

Thursday the 13th we are heading to Starlab Recording with Efren Pererra and recording Vampire Campfire. The band has worked tremendously hard to get Vampire Campfire into much more then just another single. The song has become a 2 minute and 30 second opus. With an entirely new and amazing bridge and a ending that will have people talking. We’re very proud of it to say the least.

Also Anna Please is up!

Head to our myspace to hear it. The song will not be available for download quite yet. We’ll let you know when that time comes.

Also we’ve been hanging out with our good friends The Rebellion. They just released their brand new album. It’s so good it will have the Muse running for the hills. Check out their myspace and pick up their album.

That’s all for now friends,


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Change Is Here

Hello my friends,

As you may have heard, the world is changing. Yes I know Obama was elected as the next president of the United States and that is great, go Obama! I am, however, talking about the release of Anna Please. Yes its true, ArmsUp has actually finished the song. I know it is hard to believe but it is true.

So go check it out on our Myspace or on Facebook and tell us what you think. It may take a day or two for it to be posted with Myspace being the sophisticated piece of technology that it is.  If you can wait, the song will be COMPLETELY FREE to download on Myspace though.

In other news, the band will be recording Vampire Campfire in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned for more updates on that.

That’s it.

“keep on jamming”


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